• Nature

    collective • adj. /kəˈlɛktɪv/

    of or shared by every member of a group

    – Cambridge English Dictionary

  • Logic

    If you want to go fast, go alone.

    But if you want to go far, go together.

    – Africa proverb, apparently

  • Aspiration

    Be and become better

    with, through and because of each other.

    – Ubuntu philosophy

We are


a multistakeholder democratic, equitable and self-sustaining community

around the work of

African writers

What we do

  • Gatherings

    We organise virtual and in-person retreats for our members to work on their craft, reflect on conditions under which it is produced, and strategise to make the process more affirming and humanising of everyone involved

  • Production and editorial support

    We help our author-members produce book-length manuscripts and other pieces of writing that showcase their talents and abilities. This service is also available to external people and organisations working for the common good

  • News & information

    We provide news and information that is responsive to our members’ literary needs and aspirations

  • Community building

    We foster a spirit of care, generosity, mutual support and accountability among our members

  • Training and development

    We provide knowledge resources to help our members hone their craft and collaboration

  • Paths to readership

    We provide a suite of services to help our author-members get their work to readers